A tool for support of SCAP content development

Wei N Chen (CENSUS/OIS FED) wei.n.chen at census.gov
Thu Jun 4 13:14:28 UTC 2015

* Can you describe most common problems that you have to face
  when you create the OVAL content?
-Lack of working knowledge of the OVAL schema.  The repetitiveness of the XML syntax.  (These problems are taken care of by SSG in a way)

* How do you usually solve these problems?
-Manually look up the OVAL schema for reference.  Lots of copying & pasting, or come up with other creative solutions.

* Can you tell me an example when did you run into issues with OVAL?
-Debugging OVAL may not get same results with different scanners (e.g. works in one scanner but not on another vendor's scanner due to case sensitivity).  

* Imagine an ideal tool for an OVAL developer. What should it be
  able to do? What would be its features?
-I think you covered most of the desired features.  I would add the ability to map out dependencies (definition->test->object->state)

Will this be a cross-platform solution or exclusive to Linux?  You may want to cross post these questions over at oval-developer-list at list.mitre.org to get more feedback.


Wei Chen
Security Engineer
Office of Information Security (OIS)
U.S. Census Bureau
Email: wei.n.chen at census.gov

Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2015 03:15:42 -0400 (EDT)
From: Jan Cerny <jcerny at redhat.com>
To: SCAP Security Guide <scap-security-guide at lists.fedorahosted.org>
Subject: A tool for support of SCAP content development
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Nowadays, there is almost no support for OVAL content development.
The developers have to edit the XML files manually, there is no
analysis tool, no debugger or any other tool that could make
the content development faster and easier.
I have started working on a new utility that will be able to
debug OVAL checks, show step-by-step how they are evaluated,
browse collected objects and system characteristics, communicate
with probes, etc.
I'm working on design of the utility now. I'm considering many
alternatives, so I would like to ask you a few questions.
* Can you describe most common problems that you have to face
  when you create the OVAL content?
* How do you usually solve these problems?
* Can you tell me an example when did you run into issues with OVAL?
* Imagine an ideal tool for an OVAL developer. What should it be
  able to do? What would be its features?
I would appreciate any suggestions, remarks or other inputs.
Thank you very much for your reply.


Jan Černý
Security Technologies | Red Hat, Inc.

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