oval-results option

joescap at mm.st joescap at mm.st
Tue Jan 7 19:10:34 UTC 2014

I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place to ask this, but I noticed
that when I do a scan like the following:

oscap xccdf eval --profile Profile --results /tmp/scan-results.xml
--report /tmp/scan-results.html --oval-results --cpe-dict
/tmp/scap-cpe-dictionary.xml /tmp/scap-xccdf.xml

A file with the extension "-oval.xml.result.xml" gets created were the
scan was launched.  Since I run these in an automated fashion I don't
want the the file created in the location, so I omitted the
--oval-results part.  I still got the html and xml outputs, but the html
lacks some of the information.  For instance with oval-results in the
eval command I get a table of files that have the permissions listed for
one of the checks.  Good information.  If I omit the --oval-results, the
table is not there.  I've experimented with telling --oval-results where
to put the file,  but it doesn't seem to take.  Is there any way to
redirect the output somewhere else?  Or get the extra information in an
alternative fashion?

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