[PATCH] Introduce new RPM versioning scheme for RHEL6 / JBossEAP content

Shawn Wells shawn at redhat.com
Thu Oct 10 20:49:16 UTC 2013

On 10/7/13 1:06 PM, Jan Lieskovsky wrote:
> Based on request from:
>    https://lists.fedorahosted.org/pipermail/scap-security-guide/2013-October/004210.html
> introduce also new RPM versioning scheme also for RHEL6/JBossEAP5 content.
> * Makefile changes:
> - retrieve necessary values from RHEL-6 spec file,
> - organize Makefile into sections (RHEL-6 section,
>    Fedora section below, custom macros definition follows,
>    then Makefile targets),
> - in the 'srpm' target remove explicit setting of following variables:
>    - ARCH - not needed, defined in *.spec directly,
>    - PKGNAME, VERSION, RELEASE - defined in *.spec directly,
>    - VENDOR - defined in *.spec directly,
>    - PACKAGER - not needed. When building in Koji, packager will be
>      set automatically to "Fedora Project", when building locally it's
>      not needed (rpmlint complains when PACKAGER set up directly),
>    - _sysconfdir on RHEL-6 system is defined too (as can be double-checked
>      by rpm --eval), so no need to re-define it exactly.
> * scap-security-guide.spec changes:
> - introduce 'redhatssgrelease',
> - add Vendor && BuildArch,
> - update missing %changelog records with proper entries (according
>    to the git log)
> * the only remaining rpmlint warning to be fixed is exact source location.
> Tests:
> - a, RHEL-6 (make tarball, srpm, rpm passes), final xccdf eval passes,
>       guide is generated correctly,
> - b, Fedora (make fedora-{tarball, srpm, rpm}), final xccdf eval pass,
>       guide is generated correctly.
> Thank you && Regards, Jan.
> --
> Jan iankko Lieskovsky / Red Hat Security Technologies Team

This is *fantastic*!! Thank you!


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