Interested in a SCAP Security Guide / STIG hack session?

Shawn Wells shawn at
Wed Feb 20 19:06:13 UTC 2013

Over the past few months there has been a good bit of off-list chatting 
about hosting a hack session/meetup for the SSG. With the recent DISA 
publication of the draft STIG the timing seems right.

So, would anyone be interested in meeting up where we could do things like:
     - Share knowledge on the installation of SSG. How do I run a scan? 
How do I customize settings? How do I get a report that I can show my 
ISSE/ISSM? How do I generate a Certification Test Plan, based off my 
customized rules?

     - Go a bit deeper, and understand how the code works. What is 
XCCDF? OVAL? OCIL? How do I add my own custom rules?

     - Prep your environment to submit patches back to the SSG. How do I 
setup git? How do I create a FedoraHosted account?

     - Chat about what additional profiles are needed. How should we 
handle CNSSI 12-53? What about PCI compliance?

I'd like to specifically go through the RHEL6 STIG content, performing 
scans and generating C&A artifacts. Part of the idea on this would be 
attendees could take this setup home and use it to start providing 
feedback against the draft STIG.

What do you guys think? Good idea? What topics should be covered?

Jeff and I were chatting, and we'll likely be able to host either at the 
Red Hat office in Tysons Corner, VA, or at the IAD Mobility Lab in 
Annapolis Junction, MD. And there's nothing saying we wouldn't do two 
sessions, one per location.... we can work all that out once 
topics/agenda get sorted.

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