Rsyslog Permission Checks

Kayse, Josh Joshua.Kayse at
Tue Aug 13 20:38:19 UTC 2013

On Aug 13, 2013, at 4:16 PM, "Truhn, Chad M CTR NSWCDD, CXA30" <chad.m.truhn.ctr at> wrote:

>>> How do you think we should handle file owner and group permission 
>>> checks on rsyslog files? Should we look for a predetermined list of 
>>> files (trying to search for *.log is insufficient, since at the very 
>>> least, /var/log/messages, /var/log/secure, and /var/log/maillog would 
>>> get passed over)? Or should we try ninja regex to parse rsyslog.conf?
>> I'm torn. The 'right way' would be regex ninja. However that's hard, and 
>> has resulted in nothing getting done. Personally I'd rather have 
>> *something* hard coded, then evolve into ninja regex.
> I don't know if it is even really an option, but I would personally like to see it always fail with something like a manual check rather than hard coding some things that will not necessarily reflect the real state of the system.  If you hard code fileA, fileB, and fileC and I also have fileD, you could potentially give a false Pass if fileD was 777.  
> I think a regex is the only way that you could ever pass with some degree of confidence, but the rsyslog config file is SUPER hard.  I don't want to downplay anyone's regex skills, but rsyslog deals with some variables (like %HOSTNAME%, %syslogfacility%, etc) that can be used in the file path/name.  How could you ever be able to derive that?  I think any normal person would have a system where syslog sends things to a directory where other files should not be, but is it safe to assume?
> I could be negatively skewed here, but I personally would prefer to have a false failure or a manual check than a false pass.  The CISSP stuff beat that into my head with a rather large bat.  But I'm not the one doing the hard work here, you guys are.  Just my $0.02.

I would add my concurrence to this suggestion.  You can use an include dir in rsyslog such that the configuration is built up amongst multiple files; how would that be handled?

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