[checkstyle] extending checkstyle to xml files

Peter Palaga ppalaga at redhat.com
Fri Nov 28 08:44:47 UTC 2014

On 2014-11-27 22:45, Heiko W.Rupp wrote:
>> Am 27.11.2014 um 19:15 schrieb Peter Palaga <ppalaga at redhat.com>:
>> Thanks for your voice, Thomas!
>> OK, I can stay with the rhq-checkstyle-config name.
> Why not only "checkstyle-config" ?

I basically need names for three things:
   I. git repo,
   II. artifactId,
   III. groupId.

It is practical to have to have I. and II. equal.
Why not "checkstyle-config"? Technically, I have no problem with that. 
Practically, a both github-wide and maven-wide unique 
"rhq-checkstyle-config" is better. When speaking of it, googling, etc. 
the more unique the better.

>> (i) rhq-checkstyle-config should be transfered under rhq-project. Who on the rhq-project side may I sync this with?
> Wdym? Current RHQ should not be affected by this.

Yes, as Thomas already pointed out, I mean the transfer from my personal 
github account to the rhq-project github org, as described here 
I have done that already. IIRC, someone must accept my present on the 
rhq-project org side. Hence my question was, who is that?

>> (ii) I guess, we want this stuff in Maven Central too? I can release to JBoss Nexus. Anybody knows where should I ask for syncing to Maven Central?
> Doesn't Nexus do that automagically?

No, AFAIK, the synchronization must be setup per artifact. Moreover 
there is some kind of a process on the side of Maven Central where they 
ensure that the artifacts have acceptable licenses and that their deps 
are in Central too.

-- P

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