[alhomora] was: [rhq.next] Integration/bom project

Peter Palaga ppalaga at redhat.com
Fri Nov 21 15:56:08 UTC 2014

Hi *,

Welcome Alhomora!

I am afraid, the present setup, as explained on IRC, does not work. I 
tried to implement a subproject sub1 in a separate project and I added 
some glue code under alhomora-parent. It contains a kind of a dependency 
cycle - i.e. none of alhomora-parent or alhomora-sub1 can be built.

Have a look:

git clone https://github.com/ppalaga/alohomora.git
git clone https://github.com/ppalaga/alohomora-sub1.git

cd alohomora
git checkout -b alhomora-parent ppalaga/alhomora-parent
mvn clean install # Could not find artifact 

cd ../alohomora-sub1
mvn clean install # Could not find artifact org.alohomora:alohomora-bom

Maybe you meant it differently than I did?

The BoM should not be a child of alhomora-parent. BoM should rather be 
independent in a separate repo, groupid and versioning cycle.



On 2014-11-19 11:43, Heiko W.Rupp wrote:
> Hello,
> RHQ.next is / will be split and developed in several sub-projects on their own like rhq-metrics, rhq-msg, rhq-audit and so on.
> This also means that we need a "central place" to integrate all the pieces into one.
> In addition we need to make sure that the sub-projects use "compatible" versions of dependencies.
> So I propose that we introduce a rhq.next project (*) that servers those two purposes
> - integration of individual project
> - master pom/bom for versions of dependencies
> During the initial development cycle, we may need to publish that bom more often in order to
> make dependency definitions available, but should be better off in the long run.
> I don't know if there is a way to enforce that the individual projects don't just override the settings from the bom.
> I know there are people on the list, that have done that before and can probably help with the setup.
>     Heiko
> *) or branch inside "rhq" project if we want to keep that name

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