RHQ 4.13 coming and future releases

Jay Shaughnessy jshaughn at redhat.com
Wed Nov 19 16:07:41 UTC 2014

Just in case you weren't kidding, it has enough in it to merit multiple 
releases but to avoid any confusion, 4.13 :)    I don't know of much 
else to go into it, I'd vote to get it out the door to the good folks 
out there...

On 11/19/2014 4:13 AM, Heiko W.Rupp wrote:
> Hello,
> we are thinking of releasing RHQ 4.13 pretty soonish
> Two questions:
> - shall we rather name it 4.14?
> - what is left / needs to go in?
> After that release we will concentrate more on (code name) "RHQ.next", where you have probably seen some activity already. RHQ.next will most likely to use a lot of new code and may or may not be compatible to current RHQ.
> Therefor we very much value your input into current RHQ and RHQ.next to get a even better RHQ.next and also
> still RHQ current.
> The above does not imply that 4.13 will be the last RHQ release, but development will for sure slow down from the side of the core team, which also leaves an opportunity for the greater community to take more responsibilities and to bring RHQ forward.
>    Heiko

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