[rhq-metrics] travis build question

Thomas Segismont tsegismo at redhat.com
Tue Dec 9 08:17:55 UTC 2014

Le 09/12/2014 06:52, John Sanda a écrit :
> I have a question about the travis build configuration. Why do we do both of the following,
> install: 'mvn -s .travis.maven.settings.xml install -DskipTests=true -B'
> script: 'mvn -s .travis.maven.settings.xml verify -Dwildfly.logging.console.level=DEBUG -B’
> Is it because we need the rest-servlet artifact in the local maven repo in order for Arquillian to deploy it?

No. It could work as well without the _install_ command.

This is how Maven projects are configured on Travis. The install 
command's purpose is to download dependencies.

The Travis build lifecycle is documented here:

With an install command first, your Maven verify log is not polluted 
with thousands of "Downloading dep-xxxx" messages.


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