RHQ Metrics - 0.2.5 and Future

Thomas Segismont tsegismo at redhat.com
Mon Dec 8 09:23:57 UTC 2014

Hi Stefan,

Do you know why ptrans is not in the Github releases downloads list?


Le 05/12/2014 23:46, Stefan Negrea a écrit :
> Hello Everybody,
> I just want to summarize an amazing week for the RHQ Metrics project.
> 1) RHQ Metrics 0.2.5 was released yesterday
> For more details checkout the JBoss.org forum thread and the release notes.
> Github Release:
> https://github.com/rhq-project/rhq-metrics/releases/tag/0.2.5
> JBoss.org Forum thread:
> https://developer.jboss.org/thread/250710
> JBoss Nexus Maven artifacts:
> http://origin-repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/repositories/public/org/rhq/metrics/
> 2) OpenShift Cartridged for RHQ Metrics public release
> The cartridge supports RHQ Metrics 0.2.5 and it is the simplest and easiest way to get a public facing instance of RHQ Metrics in just a few minutes with a single command. The cartridge configures Cassandra, Wildfly, and RHQ Metrics (REST interface and UI console) to run in a single gear. For more details please visit the Github repository of the project.
> Sample command to create a new RHQ Metrics deployment:
> rhc app create test_app https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rhq-project/rhq-metrics-openshift/master/metadata/manifest.yml
> Github Repository:
> https://github.com/rhq-project/rhq-metrics-openshift
> JBoss.org Forum thread:
> https://developer.jboss.org/thread/250743
> 3) RHQ Metrics 0.2.6 preliminary planning
> We created a forum thread on JBoss.org to discuss the 0.2.6 release. There is a list of features that we plan on releasing in 0.2.6. The goal is to get the project into a good release cadence.
> JBoss.org Foum thread:
> https://developer.jboss.org/thread/250748
> A big "Thank you!" goes to John Sanda, Mike Thompson, Heiko Rupp, and Thomas Segismont for their project contributions.
> Any discussion, suggestions or contributions are more than welcomed; so feel free to reply to this email or comment directly on the various forum threads.
> Thank you,
> Stefan Negrea
> Software Engineer
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