[checkstyle] Further file types to check

Peter Palaga ppalaga at redhat.com
Thu Dec 4 18:29:52 UTC 2014

Hi *,

As there was nobody protesting against this, I prepared a PR [1] where 
you still have a chance to protest ;)

Esp. the last commit, where I include MarkDown files for trailing spaces 
checks is questionable, because two trailing spaces mean <br> in MD. I 
checked it anyway, and found that the single occurence of it was a 
left-over rather than a deliberate wish for <br>.

[1] https://github.com/rhq-project/rhq-metrics/pull/77



On 2014-12-01 18:34, Peter Palaga wrote:
> Hi *,
> To sum up the recent progress with Checkstyle: extending Checkstyle over
> XML files works quite well there is a PR [1] waiting for merge. We had
> to introduce our own artifact [2] containing the checks to allow for
> exceptions (e.g. [3]) where it makes sense.
> Now, looking at the list of all distinct file types (attached) we have
> in rhq-metrics, I find that the following are good candidates for the
> same basic checks (no trailing spaces, no tabs indentation) as we
> introduced for XML:
> *.adoc
> *.conf
> *.cql
> *.css
> *.groovy
> *.html
> *.js
> *.json
> *.js.map
> *.md
> *.properties
> *.sh
> *.txt
> *.xsl
> *.yml
> Any vetos/ammendments?
> Thanks,
> Peter
> [1] https://github.com/rhq-project/rhq-metrics/pull/73
> [2] https://github.com/rhq-project/rhq-checkstyle-config
> [3]
> https://github.com/ppalaga/rhq-metrics/commit/d032941364230687bc08859420db4cfe94752221#diff-526c7508d4f5e736867c7821a7885254R1
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