[checkstyle] what I do not like

Peter Palaga ppalaga at redhat.com
Tue Dec 2 09:22:37 UTC 2014

Hi John,

Yes, Checkstyle sometimes speaks up and it always costs time to fix. As 
Heiko has pointed out, we are introducing this to avoid having 
insignificant changes in git log.

Many of the violations can be avoided through properly configuring one's 
IDE. What is your IDE?



On 2014-12-02 08:52, Heiko W.Rupp wrote:
>> And what is line 170 in my working copy of
>> MetricsServiceCassandraTest.java? It is a comment that I just added to
>> make more clear the intent of the next couple lines in the test. I
>> hope we keep the checkstyle rules liberal, i.e., not too specific,
>> in order to minimize stuff like this.
> While I agree with you on liberal checkstyle, in the past we had so many
> commits where a diff read like
> -   foo
> +    foo
> or
> -   foo
> +   foo
> In those lines it is mostly clear that whitespace is the issue but what
> about
> -   blablablablablablablalabballlabla
> +-   blablablablablablablalabba1llabla
> Is it obvious that the + line does not only have a whitespace change?
> I guess in most cases it is not, which makes reviewing a PR much harder
> than it is already.
> I don't know about Eclipse or Netbeans, but at least IJ has an option to
> format code
> before commit
> That could potentially be used to "enforce" the pure code style like
> whitespaces without
> having the developer manually doing that.
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