Bug 1011095 - Give created resources the name supplied by the user even if the managed object has no "name" attribute

Thomas Segismont tsegismo at redhat.com
Tue Sep 24 10:27:14 UTC 2013

Hi Larry,

Le 23/09/2013 18:01, Larry O'Leary a écrit :
> If I understand the proposal correctly, a user supplied resource name
> submitted with a resource creation request will be added to a list and
> kept for a period of 10 minutes? Is it expected that a create request

Yes this is correct.

> will result in an immediate discovery request?

Yes, at the end of the resource creation process, a service scan is 
triggered at the parent resource level.

> I see that the resource key is part of the cache. Is it safe to assume
> that this is the valid key that will be created upon discovery and thus
> allow the discovered resource to be correlated with the created
> resource?

Yes it is, as long as the agent plugin components obey to the facets 
contracts (CreateResourceReport should be filled with a resource key 
which will be same as the key determined during a later discovery scan).

> Why can't the created resource be added to inventory if the create
> request is successful and then allow discovery to merge the discovered
> resource and the user created resource? This will prevent the need for
> the cache.

Resources are no longer added to the inventory at the end of the create 
resource process since commit 93a54da (9/10/08 - "Don't initially create 
the resource, as the merge from autodiscovery will not update changed 
pluginConfigs. JBNADM-3451")


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