Agent / Server Communications

Greg Hinkle greghinkle at
Mon Sep 16 13:58:47 UTC 2013

John is right. My work is several years out of date at this point. I'll see if I can dig out my old repository, but there's probably not a lot you can use from it.

My implementation was based on HornetQ, but to be honest, I had a lot of problems with it. Bugs, journal corruption and other issues made me abandon it after a few months in production. Though I can't say about the current state. I also had problems supporting SSL and certificate handling properly.

For my part, I'd still love to get a version of RHQ that supports the following:

* Unidirectional comms (agent calls server only)
* SSL easily enabled (why not a default?)
* Authenticated agent registration

It's hard to use RHQ in a public cloud when SSL comms have  to use the public web endpoint in the current setup.


On Sep 6, 2013, at 10:41 AM, John Mazzitelli <mazz at> wrote:

> Greg hasn't been working on the RHQ project for over a year. If he has code, no one knows where it is and it's probably not up to date. I don't know if he still lurks on this mailing list. If he is, you might want to ping him for his thoughts.
> ----- Original Message -----
>> Hi Lucas,
>> After putting some time into researching the project, I think I'm ready to
>> start changing the communications layer as Greg Hinkle describes in the
>> "Design-Agent-Server Communications 3" wiki entry.
>> While going through the proposal again to extract requirements, I got the
>> impression that Greg has already done some of the work. It seems likely from
>> the way he talks about it. If Greg did start writing code, it would give me
>> a head start if I could see it. Is there code available that I can look at?
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