4.9 Install Changes

Jay Shaughnessy jshaughn at redhat.com
Fri Sep 6 21:07:47 UTC 2013


There is a recent commit that applies some security-related changes 
we've been asked to apply.  In particular, you will now see changes in 
rhq-server.properties instructing you to set two new properties prior to 

Note that when building -Pdev your dev container will have already had 
these values set, as in the past, so there is no required action.  But 
for non-dev-container installs they will need to be set.  The two 
properties are:


jboss.bind.address is no longer set automatically to  It must 
now be explicitly set, as desired.  It can be set to to simply 
maintain the previous behavior.

rhq.server.management.password holds an obfuscated value for the RHQ 
Server's 'rhqadmin' management user.  It must be set to a valid 
management user password.  It can be easily set to the previous default 
by uncommenting the line in rhq-server.properties.

*** Currently the previous default must be used ***

This is due to the fact that we don't yet have a password generator in 
place for this value.  The algorithm is different than for the 
obfuscation used for the db and storage node passwords, because it is AS 
generated.  When set to a non-default value the discovered rhq-server 
resource will not be able to connect, as it uses the default value.  So, 
non-default values will also need to be applied to rhq-server resource 
connection properties to get the plugin to connect to the server.

Upgrades do not need to worry about setting these, the upgrade will take 
care of it.

I'll update you as soon as we have a mechanism for generating the 
management user password values.


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