Package changes in coregui - CLEAN BUILD recommended

Jay Shaughnessy jshaughn at
Mon Oct 7 01:10:49 UTC 2013

We now strip out unnecessary client class files from the coregui.war.  
Apparently this causes build errors if you run animal sniffer :-(

Set animal.sniffer.skip=true to get around this issue if you hit it.  
Until we work around it.

On 10/4/2013 7:50 PM, Jay Shaughnessy wrote:
> For Windows uncompress we needed to shorten the path lengths in our 
> zip distro.  The main offender was coregui.  As such we decided to 
> shorten the package structure for the coregui classes. We've 
> compressed org.rhq.enterprise.gui.coregui to org.rhq.coregui.
> There have also been changes to portal war and server jar.  And to 
> support the package change, some deployment changes were necessary.
> *** I suggest for dev builds that you clean your current dev-container 
> and then do a CLEAN BUILD FROM THE TOP. ***
> Unfortunately, with the renaming the git history gets a little 
> disconnected.  'git log' will show you only up to the rename.  But 
> 'git log --follow' should show you the older history as well. Please 
> let me know if you see anything at all you suspect may be related to 
> these changes.  Thanks,
> -Jay
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