Metric interpretation of Lists returned by JMX

Thomas Segismont tsegismo at
Fri May 24 11:51:51 UTC 2013

Hi Jiri,

I can't see a risk of regression, but I wonder how misleading it could 
be if a user _incidentally_ binds a numeric metric to a List bean property.

I know we already have some kind of magic in MBeanResourceComponent for 
traits bound to Array bean properties, but what about overriding 
getValues in StorageServiceComponent?


Le 24/05/2013 13:25, Jiri Kremser a écrit :
> Hi,
>    sometimes JMX attributes/operations return non-primitive types, like List, Map, etc. Cassandra plugin needs to interpret one metric as a size of the list that gets returned. I've added [1] this piece of code to the jmx plugin to make it a general feature of the jmx plugin. It is not in the master branch yet (only in the cassandra branch).
> If you see any risks in it, please respond.
> [1]
> jk
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