Bug 957689 - Unable to complete tasks when server is shutdown

Thomas Segismont tsegismo at redhat.com
Wed Jun 26 16:05:49 UTC 2013


The shutdown expectations are listed here:

You should no longer see stacktraces when you stop the server.

The server should be switched to maintenance mode (this can be checked 
in the database).

If you kill -9 the server, no matter how many jobs are running :)

To simulate a long running job, you could have a test agent plugin with 
a resource component implementing the operation facet. The 
implementation of the facet method would just wait for a certain amount 
of time. Then if you schedule an operation of a corresponding resource 
in the server, you'll have a Quartz job running until the operation 
completes in the agent. It can be checked in the database if the last 
operation on a resource completed successfully.

As for corruption of data, it really depends on the job implementation. 
You could see things like unfinished operations in the history tab.


Le 26/06/2013 15:25, Michael Foley a écrit :
> OK ... following along this conversation ...
> Startup:  Reboot or not.  Agree with Larry and Mazz.  I presume the
> right thing will be done here.
> Curious now about the testcases surrounding proper shutdown.  Help me
> out here to brainstorm on testcases
>   * shutdown while no quartz job running
>   * shutdown while quartz job running
>   * kill -9 shutdown while no quartz job running
>   * kill -9 while quartz job running
>   * others?
> Questions:
>   * How does QE know the quartz job finished?  How would QE know the
>     quartz job did not finish?
>   * How does one simulate a quartz job running ... so that these
>     testcases can be tested?
>   * If the quartz job does not shutdown properly, is there data
>     corruption of some sort?
> Mike
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From: *"Thomas Segismont" <tsegismo at redhat.com>
> *To: *rhq-devel at lists.fedorahosted.org
> *Sent: *Wednesday, June 26, 2013 9:15:46 AM
> *Subject: *Re: Bug 957689 - Unable to complete tasks when server is shutdown
> Le 26/06/2013 15:06, John Mazzitelli a écrit :
>  > Is there a wiki or something that explains why the restart is
> necessary? Or can you explain? I'm wondering if there is some CLI
> command we can make to force the server to inject the new code without
> needing a restart.
>  > _______________________________________________
>  > rhq-devel mailing list
>  > rhq-devel at lists.fedorahosted.org
>  > https://lists.fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/rhq-devel
>  >
> Yes, that's in the first mail of this thread (references pasted below).
> AFAIK, there's no way to activate DUPs without a reboot.
> -------
> [1]
> Bugzilla
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=957689
> Fedora hosted Git view
> https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/rhq/rhq.git/commit/?id=adedcb46e352d6fb08a43352447b748b9459c899
> Commit details
> commit adedcb46e352d6fb08a43352447b748b9459c899
> Author: Thomas Segismont <tsegismo at redhat.com>
> Date:   Thu Jun 6 22:56:11 2013 +0200
>       Bug 957689 - Unable to complete tasks when server is shutdown
>       Inject the NoTxRHQDS as a @Resource in the ShutdownListener
>       Convert SAR services into @Singleton beans
>       Tweak RHQ EAR deployment with a set of DeploymentUnitProcessor classes
>       EAR modules now deployed in order
>       RHQ Startup Subsystem installs a DUP which make the
> ShutdownListener bean automatically depend on all other session beans.
> -------
> [2] https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/RHQ/Shutdown+process+on+AS7
> _______________________________________________
> rhq-devel mailing list
> rhq-devel at lists.fedorahosted.org
> https://lists.fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/rhq-devel
> _______________________________________________
> rhq-devel mailing list
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