configuring storage installation with rhqctl

Jay Shaughnessy jshaughn at
Tue Jun 18 13:09:39 UTC 2013

I'm OK with either approach.  The command line option is sort of nice 
because the user can see that it is an option, where this is more 
implicit.  But assuming you're looking at install/upgrade doco it should 
be straightforward either way.  With the pre-created file we have a 
place where we can comment all of the options, and they are already 
there for use.  If this is only for the installer perhaps would be a better name.

On 6/17/2013 10:29 PM, John Sanda wrote:
> If you want to use non-default values for any of the storage installer options, you need to create a properties file and specify the --storage-config option with the install command. I have always found this to be a bit awkward particularly if I just want to override one option like the heap or hostname. Instead of having the user specify an arbitrary properties file, we could provide <rhq-server-basedir>/bin/ with all of the options commented out. If you want to use a non-default value for one of the storage installer options, simply uncomment and edit the corresponding property. I don't think we need the --storage-config option any more.
> Thoughts?
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