Cassandra branch merging into master in the next couple of hours (dbsetup thread)

Lukas Krejci lkrejci at
Mon Jun 3 12:21:36 UTC 2013

There's been a silent assumption that rhq.rootDir is a parent of 

As I've been told, the rhq-data is intentionally pushed outside of the 
container dir (using the rhq.rootDir, hence the assumption above) so that you 
keep your data across multiple dev builds.

So, if you're like me and you like your builds outside of your source tree, 
just exchange your -Drhq.containerDir for -Drhq.rootDir when you build.

Your env will then look like:
+ dev-container
  + rhq-agent
  + rhq-storage
  + ... RHQ server files ...
+ rhq-data

On Monday, June 03, 2013 14:11:56 Heiko W.Rupp wrote:
> Hey,
> so that upgrade of the sources left my system in a strange state -- probably
> because of the new internal agent or such (is that meant to replace an
> external agent on the server-box?)
> Also mvn -Pdev,enterprise install  installed the storage inside *my source
> tree* and not the dev container.
> Modifying has no effect.
> Trying to reinstall storage results in
> snert:/im/dev-container hrupp$ bin/rhqctl install --storage
> 14:08:14,126 INFO  [org.jboss.modules] JBoss Modules version 1.2.0.CR1
> 14:08:14,296 WARN  [org.rhq.server.control.command.Install] The RHQ storage
> node is already installed in /im/dev-container/storage 14:08:14,297 WARN 
> [org.rhq.server.control.command.Install] Skipping storage node
> installation.
> But if you look at the directory given by the command, you see that that
> directory does not even exist at all.
> snert:/im/dev-container hrupp$ ls /im/dev-container
> LICENSE		LICENSE_LGPL	bin		jbossas		modules		rhq-agent
> LICENSE_GPL	alert-scripts	etc		logs		plugins		rhq-storage
> At least for development there should be some --force option to override
> that skipping. Otherwise the install option is pointless after first
> install and should be hidden from the user.

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