Cassandra branch merging into master in the next couple of hours (dbsetup thread)

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at
Mon Jun 3 12:11:56 UTC 2013


so that upgrade of the sources left my system in a strange state -- probably because of the new internal agent or such
(is that meant to replace an external agent on the server-box?)

Also mvn -Pdev,enterprise install  installed the storage inside *my source tree* and not the
dev container.
Modifying has no effect.

Trying to reinstall storage results in

snert:/im/dev-container hrupp$ bin/rhqctl install --storage
14:08:14,126 INFO  [org.jboss.modules] JBoss Modules version 1.2.0.CR1
14:08:14,296 WARN  [org.rhq.server.control.command.Install] The RHQ storage node is already installed in /im/dev-container/storage
14:08:14,297 WARN  [org.rhq.server.control.command.Install] Skipping storage node installation.

But if you look at the directory given by the command, you see that that directory does not even exist at all.

snert:/im/dev-container hrupp$ ls /im/dev-container
LICENSE		LICENSE_LGPL	bin		jbossas		modules		rhq-agent
LICENSE_GPL	alert-scripts	etc		logs		plugins		rhq-storage

At least for development there should be some --force option to override that skipping. Otherwise the install option
is pointless after first install and should be hidden from the user.

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