Enterpriser Server Jar Naming - Fix

Jay Shaughnessy jshaughn at redhat.com
Thu Jul 18 14:28:45 UTC 2013

On 7/18/2013 8:02 AM, Heiko W.Rupp wrote:
> Am 18.07.2013 um 13:33 schrieb John Sanda:
>> What was the motivation for the name change in the first place? Your proposal sounds good to me.
> Did you even cd into the server jar? Did the command line prompt span more than a line?
> Did you ever have a support case on Win* where some things just magically did not work and it turned out that the total path length was too long?
> rhq-enterprise-startup-subsystem already takes 31 chars.

I'm all for shortening the names to some degree. I'm not really opposed 
to eliminating "enterprise" from the naming.  It's long and not overly 
representative of anything.  Unless folks are really concerned about the 
historical naming consistency I'm ok with the change.  A release note, 
of course, is merited.

>> The name change of rhq-enterprise-server-ejb3 to rhq-server also broke the server itests. The test ear packaging was broken. If we change the name again we need make sure we update the code in AbstractEjb3Test that creates the test archive.
> Sorry, that I did not catch that when I first created a patch for this. I went with a find through all of RHQ and thought I have
> found all the cases, but appaently didn't.
> Wrt rhq- prefixing - Inside the $RHQSERVER we have modules/org/rhq so I think always prefixing rhq- is just redundant.
> And in maven modules we already have the org.rhq group id, so making the artifacts also contain rhq- is redundant as well.

I disagree with removing the "rhq-" prefixes.  It's usually not the case 
that when you search for files you can incorporate the package/folder 
structure in the query.  I'd like to be able to locate/identify rhq 
stuff via an rhq filename prefix.  Also, most modules that I can see in 
a quick look do in fact incorporate folder names into the artifact, for 

If you want to shorten the module name I don't know why we need 
"startup".  Why not just org/rhq/rhq-server/main/rhq-server-4.8.0.jar, 
for example?

>    Heiko
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