Metrics Migration Tool - Cassandra

Alan Santos asantos at
Mon Jan 14 19:27:41 UTC 2013

You Jay Shaughnessy, I like the way you think. 

That sounds like minimal downtime (the usual) which is not related to the size of database but with a *temporary* delay in historic measurements.  

This is why I had asked whether it would be possible to keep both metric storage options, basically to make the transition in the background.  This sounds much less complicated.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jay Shaughnessy" <jshaughn at>
To: rhq-devel at
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 1:33:49 PM
Subject: Re: Metrics Migration Tool - Cassandra

Stefan, has any thought been given to (optionally) migrating the bulk of 
the data *after* the upgrade?   I'm not sure if this make sense, 
really.  But the idea being that the customer upgrades RHQ and starts 
running with the new backend.  At this point no data is being written to 
the legacy tables so they are quiet.  All new metric data will move to 
the new Cassandra backend.  Then, with RHQ running we migrate the legacy 
data into the new backend.  So, for some period we lack historical data, 
but it would hopefully not be a very large delay.  It's possible maybe 
that until the migration is complete we suspend aggregation.  Just a 

On 1/14/2013 12:00 PM, Elias Ross wrote:
> Just my 2 cents:
> I would like to continue running RHQ with minimal downtime (less than
> 30 minutes if possible). The main issue with downtime is loss of
> systems monitoring capability. Historical data is definitely nice to
> have, but system monitoring trumps this. I would sooner drop the
> metrics data than have to face an unpredictable migration process.
> I would prefer if migration could happen concurrent to running of RHQ.
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