AS is killed if the agent is killed (provided it was started/restarted by the agent)

Larry O'Leary loleary at
Thu Feb 14 22:02:03 UTC 2013

On Thu, 2013-02-14 at 13:39 -0500, Jiri Kremser wrote:
> > If this happens when you run the agent using the recommended mechanism ( then I agree this is a problem. If this is true, we need to know this and fix it. 
> > So, if someone starts the agent via, that agent starts an AS7, the user then stops that agent, does the AS7 die? If so, that's a problem.
> Neither sending the SIGINT to the agent started by nor sending the SIGKILL stops the AS7. Because the rhq-wrapper is separated from the agent

Okay. If this is the case then perhaps this does reduce the impact of
this issue. However, I do not think it reduces the severity of the issue
or mean that this is not a bug. 

> > That is not the same thing. You are executing the code within the shell.
> > You are not forking a process. Only creating a child shell within the
> > running shell. If that is what we are doing, then that seems to be the
> > flaw.
> I think it is the same as what we do in our environment. The only way of forking a process in bash is the & as far as I know, we don't have any C code doing fork().

Agreed. I am not saying it is not the same as what we are doing. I am
saying that what you described is not the same as what I was referring
to. I can start processes or have init start processes without the
concern or risk killing my terminal or the init service resulting in
everything be stopped.

What you are referring to is executing processes within a thread in the
foreground. Perhaps that is a limitation of Java but shouldn't change
the fact that such a limitation introduces a critical flaw in how
plug-ins control the life-cycle of a resource they manage and by using
such functionality, you are now exposing all your services to the
potential of ultimate termination by the agent in an uncontrolled
manner. In other others, the only option I have is to use RHQ or not to
use RHQ. There is no happy medium other then just telling users not to
do something and hoping that everyone remembers that for ever and no new
administrators get added to the team. Essentially saying that it is
human nature and an accepted standard that unrelated processes don't
share the same life-cycle.

> > All processes that have been forked from their parent will not receive
> signals from their parent.
> agree, or if the signals are intercepted by traps or a signal handlers (for JVM).
> There is a JVM option -Xnosigchain for disabling the JVM signal handler chaining on IBM JVM, on the Oracle's JVM there is -Xrs option for that. I wouldn't do that. It would disable our ShutdownHookMechanism.
> Other option is to implement our own SignalHandler ( I am playing with it right now.

> . The default signal handler can be replaced 
> IBM java specific, for oracle there is -Xrs
> not good idea
> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "John Mazzitelli" <mazz at>
> > To: rhq-devel at
> > Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 4:32:27 PM
> > Subject: Re: AS is killed if the agent is killed (provided it was	started/restarted by the agent)
> > 
> > > There are other ways this could happen. For example, platform level
> > > monitoring systems may decide to restart this agent by sending it
> > > the
> > > SIGINT signal. From the sounds of it, this too would cause the
> > > issue
> > > whether the agent is in the foreground or background?
> > 
> > If this happens when you run the agent using the recommended
> > mechanism ( then I agree this is a problem. If
> > this is true, we need to know this and fix it.
> > 
> > So, if someone starts the agent via, that agent
> > starts an AS7, the user then stops that agent, does the AS7 die? If
> > so, that's a problem.
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