RHQ Server Properties - Updates

Stefan Negrea snegrea at redhat.com
Fri Aug 30 05:45:06 UTC 2013

Hello Everybody, 

I just pushed an update that changes rhq.cassandra.* properties to rhq.storage.* in rhq-server.properties. This will not impact anybody doing full workspace rebuilds or using any packaged builds. Also, there is code in place that does the upgrade from RHQ 4.8 to RHQ 4.9.

If you are doing just partial dev-container rebuilds, you will need to manually update rhq-server.properties and run db upgrade.
Here are the changes to the rhq-server.properties:
1) rhq.cassandra.username to be replaced with rhq.storage.username
2) rhq.cassandra.password to be replaced with rhq.storage.password
3) rhq.cassandra.seeds to be split in two properties
 a) rhq.storage.nodes to contain only ip addresses of storage nodes
 b) rhq.storage-cql-port to contain the third sub-property of the pipe delimited string of the rhq.cassandra.seeds.
 c) the jmx port from the pipe delimited properties (second sub-property) is no longer in use and should be dropped

Thank you,
Stefan Negrea

Software Engineer

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