Rename manageRootDir property in bundles

Larry O'Leary loleary at
Thu Aug 1 23:17:44 UTC 2013

On Thu, 2013-08-01 at 18:47 -0400, Lukas Krejci wrote:
> I'm going to go with the following names:
> manageRootDir=true -> compliance="full"
> manageRootDir=false -> compliance="filesAndDirectories"
> overlay=false & overlayRootDir=false -> compliance="full"
> overlay=false & overlayRootDir=true -> compliance="filesAndDirectories"
> overlay=true & overlayRootDir=false -> compliance="rootDirectoryAndFiles"
> overlay="true & overlayRootDir=true -> compliance="files"
> * "full" means that deploy dir is made completely the same as the contents of the bundle, no other files or directories are allowed (this should be equivalent to manageRootDir=true).
> * "filesAndDirectories" means that all files and directories present in the bundle will appear the same in the deploy dir. I.e. files will be replaced by those in bundle and directories will be wiped prior to being copied from the bundle (this should be equivalent to what manageRootDir=false does).
> * "rootDirectoryAndFiles" means that the root directory of the deployment will only contain files and directories from the bundle. The content of the directories is not required to be compliant with the bundle - i.e. the directories and files "under" some directory, that already existed in the deployment, are kept. I still can't think of a usecase for this behavior and I also find it quite difficult to describe (maybe it's because of that fact).
> * "files" means that all files from a bundle is copied into the deployment (preserving directory structure) (i.e. such files are compliant with the bundle). All other contents of the deployment directory is kept intact (i.e. this is the RPM-like behavior).
> Shout if you're opposed to these names. I have all the tests passing (which took me days to achieve) and want to finish this up.

+1 - Looks fine to me.
Larry O'Leary

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