Animal sniffer failure in portal war module

Thomas Segismont tsegismo at
Thu Apr 11 12:23:26 UTC 2013

Hi Heiko,

Le 11/04/2013 12:10, Heiko W.Rupp a écrit :
> Hi,
>   see the exact same failures in the github-migrated sources, which have not been touched since 1 or two weeks.
> The very same worked yesterday, so I guess that the specific version
> of stuff for jspc is all of a sudden no longer available in some upstream repo.

The artifacts are in the repositories, no problem with that. I saw the 
failures on Jenkins for the rhq-master-GitHub build. Yes they are the 
same and are only due to animal sniffer not being able to find Jasper 

>> In my opinion, the latter is preferable as most if not all those JSP are not used anymore. Besides I'm not sure the precompiled JSP are used as we do nothing with the web.xml file generated by the jspc plugin (see How the generated servlets classes could be used if they are not declared in the war descriptor?
> I fear, that if someone hits a jsp page, the server will still recompile all of them, which is an undesired hit.

If someone hits a JSP, the server will recompile only that one (and its 

> Not pre-compiling them is a good option if we finally slim down the JSPs to the absolute minimum

I made a build locally with dist profile activated. The precompiled JSPs 
get copied in the WEB-INF/classes directory, but we do not declare them 
(as servlets) in the web.xml.

I may be wrong, but I believe the container will just ignore them and 
recompile JSPs at runtime anyway.

I also checked what we have in a JON zip. Same thing.

We shouldn't bother precompiling JSPs which we don't point the container at.

>   Heiko
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