Animal sniffer failure in portal war module

Thomas Segismont tsegismo at
Thu Apr 11 09:47:37 UTC 2013


I activated animal sniffer plugin this morning, attached to the build's 
"verify" phase. The build then failed on Jenkins in the portal war module.

On Jenkins, the "dist" profile is active and the Jetty jspc plugin gets 
triggered. So the animal sniffer plugin fails because it doesn't find 
references for the org/apache/jasper/runtime/* classes (see$rhq-portal/consoleFull)

To get this work we should whether add the Jasper dependencies in 
provided scope or simply remove the Jetty jspc plugin.

In my opinion, the latter is preferable as most if not all those JSP are 
not used anymore. Besides I'm not sure the precompiled JSP are used as 
we do nothing with the web.xml file generated by the jspc plugin (see How the 
generated servlets classes could be used if they are not declared in the 
war descriptor?

What's your opinion?

In the meantime, I reconfigured portal war to skip animal sniffer execution.


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