About Github migration

Elias Ross genman at noderunner.net
Thu Oct 4 17:40:39 UTC 2012

On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 7:39 PM, John Sanda <jsanda at redhat.com> wrote:

>  I am of the opinion that we should additional plugin repos. There are plugins that are included in JON and that are officially supported by Red Hat. Then there are plugins that might have a reasonable amount of activity but are not included in JON. Lastly, there are plugins that have little to know activity, and there are more than enough of these. For plugins in this last group, I would prefer never to have to build them again.

Rather than divide the plugins based on which product bundles what, I
could see something more divided up like:
* core, including platform, JMX, script, agent, etc.
* admin (grub, postfix, iptables)
* alert (or server) plugins like irc, twitter
* jboss, including jboss project plugins like JBossCache (might have
to be part of core?)
* database (mysql, oracle, postgres)
* network (snmp, net services)
* experimental (ones that don't get built/distributed by default)

and maybe a few others.

Looking at the rhq/modules/plugins/pom.xml I see a couple of profiles
as maybe a suggested set of repositories.

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