About Github migration

John Sanda jsanda at redhat.com
Thu Oct 4 02:39:50 UTC 2012

What is the status with respect to the migration? Is there going to be some discussion, formalization around the steps involved for people to migrate over, what/if any impact it has on community contributions, and so on. Heiko took a great first step with splitting the existing repo, and one of the discussions that definitely has to occur is around the plugin repo(s). I am of the opinion that we should additional plugin repos. There are plugins that are included in JON and that are officially supported by Red Hat. Then there are plugins that might have a reasonable amount of activity but are not included in JON. Lastly, there are plugins that have little to know activity, and there are more than enough of these. For plugins in this last group, I would prefer never to have to build them again.

For my own, self-serving motives I would love to get these issues ironed out and get this migration well on its way. I am working in two branches - feature/cassandra-backend and jsanda/cassandra-plugin. The cassandra-backend branch was created from the AS 7 branch. It will be a while before work in this branch makes its way back to master. The cassandra-plugin branch though was created off of master, and I could merge it back into master at any time. The problem is I need to be in both branches at the same time. It does not make sense to do the cassandra plugin work in the cassandra-backend branch. The plugin work does not depend on it and will be ready for inclusion in a community release much sooner. Working on it in the cassandra-backend brach would only complicate that. The easiest and cleanest solution is for the cassandra-plugin branch to exist in a separate repo. Then I can load code from both branches side by side in my IDE, making changes to both without having any dependency from an upstream branch to worry about.

- John

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