Availability schedules updates don't impact agent immediately

John Mazzitelli mazz at redhat.com
Wed Nov 28 14:36:24 UTC 2012

If you change an avail schedule, it should get picked up as soon as possible - just as if a measurement schedule changes. If you verified a bug in this area, then I agree it should be fixed and a BZ written up.

----- Original Message -----
> Hi,
> I think there is a bug in availability schedules update. When you set
> a
> new availability schedule in the monitoring tab of a resource, the
> agent
> keeps checking availability at the previous rate.
> The agent is actually contacted by the server after the update
> (MeasurementManager.updateCollection).
> But in this method only measurement schedules get taken into account
> (the availabilitySchedule is separated from measurementSchedules in
> ResourceMeasurementScheduleRequest, see comment lines 40-43 of the
> class)
> When the inventory is synchronized (agent restart AFAIK, but there is
> maybe a job to do that regularly ?) then the availability schedule is
> properly set.
> If it's really a bug (I mean if it's expected to get availability
> schedules sent to agent just as measurement schedules do) I will file
> a
> bug in BZ and propose a fix.
> What do you think?
> Thanks
> Thomas
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