Alert dampening problem

Charles Crouch ccrouch at
Wed Mar 28 01:41:20 UTC 2012

----- Original Message -----
> I'm using RHQ 4.1 and having some trouble getting alert dampening
> working properly.  I have defined a number of alerts each with
> different dampening rules.  Of the three options, only the
> consecutive evaluations dampening seems to work.  The last N
> evaluations and time period options don't seem to work properly.  I
> am using an alert of my own design,

Can you expand on what you mean by "an alert of my own design"?
Have you tried the dampening options on a regular metric [absolute value > x] type alert, e.g. on a platform metric?

> so I am wondering if there is
> anything that the alert must do to make those dampening options work
> properly?  Is there anything other than just setting the options in
> the Time Period dampening that I need to do (I want 1 every 10
> minutes)? 

Whether that is going to work is probably going to depend on how frequently your metric is being collected

> Do I need to upgrade RHQ versions?
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Steve
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