[GSoC 2012] Project: Implement an RHQ agent in Python

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at redhat.com
Fri Mar 23 08:35:33 UTC 2012

Hello Krzysztof,

cool to hear from you

I have attached a quick drawing tha should illustrate what I have in mind here

So the project would involve the box with the blue dashed line.

On Fedora / RHEL (and perhaps other Linuxes), Matahari agents collect data from the OS (e.g. system load, free memory).
The agent in Python ("PyAgent") would connect to Matahari via qpid (amqp) and find the matahari instances. 
It would then talk to the rhq server via REST protocol and 
- add new platforms ("boxes" in rhq speak) if they get discovered [1]
 - add new resources below platform if needed (later phase of the project)
- fetch metrics from matahari and send them to the RHQ server
- regularly send availabilty of the platforms and resources to the RHQ server
- if needed [2] send pings to the RHQ server

Am 22.03.2012 um 22:29 schrieb Krzysztof Kwaśniewski:

>     I would like to apply this year for a GSoC project entitled „Implement an RHQ agent with Python” that I have found on your proposals' list [1].
>     Heiko Rupp has defined following initial requirements that need to be concerned for this year's project:
> - installing the
>         needed stuff

Assemble a bill of material and an install guide. Perhaps a shell-script or rpm super-packet for installation
> -
>             writing the 'agent'

Core functionality is described above and includes:
> -
>               agent reports some metrics and availability of resources
> -
>                 agent discovers the resources
> -
>                   agent startable at system boot

It should be possible that his agent is installed on one box so that it can get started at
boot time (-> script in /etc/init.d/ )

> - prepare documentation for both the developer and the end user
>     Definitely the project needs clarification and we will do our best to make it. The points above are only initial ones. I'm sure that any comments from other members of this list would be helpful to make this project successful and provide useful software. If you have any ideas or requirements for this project, please let me know about them.

Does the above make it more clear for you?

I think you should also start to think about a timeline for the work with some milestones in it.


[1] This needs some more code on the RHQ server side, which already exists, but which is not yet in master
[2] To report agents being alive in the past it was enough to send "UP" availability for the platform. We had a change in availability handling
and now there is a separate ping for this purpose. It needs to be checked what to implement in the RHQ server REST endpoint for this; I expect
that the PyAgent would just send a request to a different endpoint for this.

Reg. Adresse: Red Hat GmbH, Technopark II, Haus C, 
Werner-von-Siemens-Ring 14, D-85630 Grasbrunn
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht München HRB 153243
Geschaeftsführer:  Mark Hegarty, Charlie Peters, Michael Cunningham, Charles Cachera

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