RHQ & mockito

Charles Crouch ccrouch at redhat.com
Fri Jan 27 22:38:54 UTC 2012

A seemingly decent comparison of easymock and mockito (which I learned was a fork of easymock)...

It would appear we have some easymock floating around already:

but as mazz mentioned today, that wasn't due to any team wide decision, so don't let that slow you down.

Did you take a look at jmockit?

One thing I'd eventually like to validate is that our tests running with the chosen mocking library are compatible with the cobertura configuration which Filip had previously setup. Though I don't expect there to be major issues.

Taking a step back, the following should be required reading, or re-reading, for folks as we dive into this area more deeply:
TBH I think we could get a lot of value from just the stubbing capabilities these mocking frameworks provide, let alone all their actual mocking capabilities.


----- Original Message -----
> Hello Everybody,
> I've done some recent research into mocking frameworks for use with
> RHQ tests. Out of all the frameworks I stumbled upon, mockito looked
> the best (http://code.google.com/p/mockito/).
> Here are some features that set mockito apart:
> - fluid interfaces
> - concise api
> - very good documentation (eg:
> http://docs.mockito.googlecode.com/hg/latest/org/mockito/Mockito.html)
> - vibrant & active community
> - good maven integration, updates promptly published to maven repos
> I know that jMock was used in some parts of RHQ however I find
> mockito superior especially around argument matchers, number of
> invocations, and call order. Please take a look at this blog post
> for a detailed comparison:
> http://www.zsoltfabok.com/blog/2010/08/jmock-versus-mockito/
> I started this research in order to improve test coverage for the
> content system. My plan is to give mockito a try in that context and
> if successful apply it more broadly.
> Any feedback or ideas are more than welcome.
> Thank you,
> Stefan Negrea
> Software Engineer
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