RHQ & mockito

Stefan Negrea snegrea at redhat.com
Fri Jan 27 21:23:37 UTC 2012

Hello Everybody,

I've done some recent research into mocking frameworks for use with RHQ tests. Out of all the frameworks I stumbled upon, mockito looked the best (http://code.google.com/p/mockito/).

Here are some features that set mockito apart:
- fluid interfaces
- concise api
- very good documentation (eg: http://docs.mockito.googlecode.com/hg/latest/org/mockito/Mockito.html)
- vibrant & active community
- good maven integration, updates promptly published to maven repos

I know that jMock was used in some parts of RHQ however I find mockito superior especially around argument matchers, number of invocations, and call order. Please take a look at this blog post for a detailed comparison: http://www.zsoltfabok.com/blog/2010/08/jmock-versus-mockito/

I started this research in order to improve test coverage for the content system. My plan is to give mockito a try in that context and if successful apply it more broadly.

Any feedback or ideas are more than welcome.

Thank you,
Stefan Negrea

Software Engineer

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