bundling of JAXB jars w/ Server and Agent

Ian Springer ian.springer at redhat.com
Thu Jan 5 21:12:28 UTC 2012

IIRC, we included the JAXB jars in the lib/endorsed dir of both Server 
and Agent since, unlike Java 6, Java 5 did not include JAXB. Now that 
we've dropped support for Java 5, I think we can look into dropping the 
JAXB jars. The two jars are about 1 MB in size, so that's a decent 
amount of fat to trim from the Agent, which we like to keep lean and 
mean. On the Server, there are some other javax jars in lib/endorsed/ 
(JAX-WS, etc.) that we can also look into dropping.

Any other thoughts on this before I create a BZ?

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