RHQ & mockito

Charles Crouch ccrouch at redhat.com
Mon Feb 6 22:23:17 UTC 2012

----- Original Message -----
> We gained a lot in the past from running real embedded ejb3 tests
> against a real database (even if the embedded ejb3 has room for
> improvement). At least for the server-side we would heavily profit
> from
> using AS7 with its faster start times and the better test starting
> via
> Arquillian and ShrinkWrap. For agent plugins Arquillian and
> ShrinkWrap
> can also help to quickly step up the PC and run tests. Perhaps we
> would
> need some glue code to contribute to Arquillian, but that should be
> doable.
> --
> Yeah, I was thinking that writing Arquillian containers for both the
> Server and the RHQ Agent would be great for running integration
> tests,
> because starting up Servers or Agents in the test JVM would be as
> easy
> as adding a few annotations to the test class. Also, Arquillian
> supports
> running multiple containers for a given test, so we could potentially
> even do fun stuff like starting up multiple Servers and/or multiple
> Agents for a test.

This seems to make good sense.
For starters lets investigate where we could use Arquillian for agent side integration testing within our existing work.

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