RHQ & mockito

Ian Springer ian.springer at redhat.com
Mon Feb 6 19:03:23 UTC 2012

We gained a lot in the past from running real embedded ejb3 tests 
against a real database (even if the embedded ejb3 has room for 
improvement). At least for the server-side we would heavily profit from 
using AS7 with its faster start times and the better test starting via 
Arquillian and ShrinkWrap. For agent plugins Arquillian and ShrinkWrap 
can also help to quickly step up the PC and run tests. Perhaps we would 
need some glue code to contribute to Arquillian, but that should be doable.


Yeah, I was thinking that writing Arquillian containers for both the RHQ 
Server and the RHQ Agent would be great for running integration tests, 
because starting up Servers or Agents in the test JVM would be as easy 
as adding a few annotations to the test class. Also, Arquillian supports 
running multiple containers for a given test, so we could potentially 
even do fun stuff like starting up multiple Servers and/or multiple 
Agents for a test.

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