new HAAC

Jiri Kremser jkremser at
Wed Dec 12 16:17:44 UTC 2012

  there were many good suggestions at today's (HAAC rewrite) hangout. To keep track of them, here they are:

* refresh the token mechanism (some "X" button for it) -> after version conflict it shouldn't be so painful to use existing agent 

* the save button as a part of the panel (at the bottom of the section)

* authorization in general

* investigate the options of exposing the HA SLSBs (AffinityGroupManager, CloudManager, PartitionEventManager) and at the same time do not make them public and available in the production (local ifaces will be callable, if server is run with some special parameter)

* when assigning agents, it should be possible, using the searchbar, to filter certain agents (starting with some prefix, etc.)


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