Fwd: -pdev build change?

John Mazzitelli mazz at redhat.com
Wed Dec 12 14:58:47 UTC 2012

[sending to this to rhq-devel]

> From: "Heiko W.Rupp" <hrupp at redhat.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 4:48:51 AM
> Subject: Re: -pdev build change?
> To follow up
>> Am 12.12.2012 um 10:47 schrieb Heiko W.Rupp:
>> modules/enterprise/server/jar and do a -Pdev build,
>> the result is now deployed to $dev-container and
>> not to $dev-container/jbossas as it was until yesterday.
>> main:
>>     [unjar] Expanding: /im/rhq/modules/enterprise/server/jar/target/rhq-enterprise-server.jar into /im/dev-container/modules/org/rhq/rhq-enterprise-server-startup-subsystem/main/deployments/rhq.ear/rhq-enterprise-server-ejb3.jar
>> see the missing 'jbossas' in the middle ?

Correct. We do NOT deploy our custom JBossAS modules directly into the existing AS7 that we ship out of box anymore (that is, under <rhq-install-dir>/jbossas). What we do is put all our custom modules (like the postgres/oracle drivers, our installer and the EAR startup module) in our own separate <rhq-install-dir>/modules location. We do this to allow for us to run inside any AS7 - whether it is our own out-of-box version (in <rhq-install-dir>/jbossas) or in one installed via RPM or installed via the AS7 distro being zipped elsewhere. Our rhq-server.sh starts up whatever server you have pointed to via $JBOSS_HOME or $RHQ_SERVER_JBOSS_HOME. If you don't tell us, we will just run the one in /jbossas.

Note also this means we do NOT put our EAR in the deployment scanner's deployments/ directory - this was per recommendation of the AS7 team. This is so we can support patching in the future using the new AS7 patching mechanism.

This is fallout to the new installer work.

What I think may be an issue now is we don't hot-deployment changes anymore (since we aren't using the deployment scanner). What we could do is in our poms, after we copy the artifact to our new module location, the dev mode could also use jboss-cli.sh to ask teh server to reload which would cause our service to redeploy (just like what the deployment scanner does) - that's a theory anyway.

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