New Charts

Elias Ross genman at
Sat Dec 8 04:57:12 UTC 2012

Thanks for posting these.

> Please provide answers to the following. (Yes and No)
> Are the colors visually appealing and easy to understand differences in data?
> Do the use of tool tips help you understand the data a deeper level?
> Do you prefer the tool tips for the high average and low information as a combined value versus separated.
Combined. I think the tool tip should show the time (range), although
this is displayed below it's not really easy to figure out. One
problem is you're showing a POINT whereas the data represents a time
range, so it's a little misleading.

What you could do instead is simply have three pop ups. One would show
the top range of the value, and the value there.

I think you could display the time using some sort of 'tool tip' at
the bottom. So it would be

 - (< 42.1)
 || (> 32.2)
 - (< 40.2)
-------- (time)
 [12:42 ~ 12:43 ] (this pops up over the existing time line)

In the case the values are close to each other, just stack them in one bubble.

Stacking makes more sense than side by side, since you immediately
understand the top is the top value, etc.

 - (< 42.1)
 - (~ 42.0)
 | (< 41.9)
-------- (time)
 [12:42 ~ 12:43 ] (this pops up over the existing time line)

Or just have stacking for everything. Side-by-side doesn't make much sense.

> How easy or hard is it to quickly digest the information displayed?

Pretty easy. The colors sort of make the data look three dimensional,
like Q*Bert, which messes with your eyes. I think the graph should
appear more flat somehow.

> How easy or hard is it to clearly understand when a resource is down?
Very easy

> How easy is it to see the high point of this particular data set?
Very easy

> How easy is it to see to associate the OVERALL Chart low, Average, and High (the text on top) to the corresponding lines below?

The chart value for low doesn't seem to appear. I would probably get
rid of 'Low' 'Average' and 'High' values and just label them directly
on the graph with their values.

I'm kind of interested also seeing the 'mean low' and 'mean high' as
well. Low and High is pretty easy to figure out without a bunch of
lines and labeling anyway.

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