Fwd: New Charts

Harlan Douglas hdouglas at redhat.com
Fri Dec 7 20:31:06 UTC 2012

Hi Everyone,

I was unaware that list extends beyond those that can access our internal servers. 
Attached are files so everyone can look at them.

Thank you,

-Harlan Douglas

Senior User Experience Designer
hdouglas at redhat.com

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Harlan Douglas" <hdouglas at redhat.com>
To: rhq-devel at lists.fedorahosted.org
Cc: "Alan Schell" <aschell at redhat.com>, "Catherine Robson" <crobson at redhat.com>
Sent: Friday, December 7, 2012 12:29:44 PM
Subject: New Charts

Hi Everyone,

We have simplified the charts over the last couple of days and would like your feedback on them!

Here are the main changes we made over the past week:
1) Reduced the visual noise by eliminating the whiskers and going with shading to signify high, average, and low within a particular data point
2) Added seconds on the horizontal time field so the above information will always line up with the lower tick marks. This eliminates a shift on the chart when the user makes a call to start receiving data on a non minute marker (Example: 9:01:32, 9:02:32, ...)
3) Eliminated the ability to incorporate complex filters. We felt the chart is now easy enough to read that we will not need to turn on and off different metrics but would still like your thoughts on this. 

I came up with some questions to help get feedback. 
Keep in mind this is a 1st go and certain complexities will be built in down the road. 

Here is the link to the designs:


Please provide answers to the following. (Yes and No)
Is the data received continuous?
Is the data provided for one or multiple resources?
Did the resource ever go down?
Are the colors visually appealing and easy to understand differences in data?
Do the use of tool tips help you understand the data a deeper level?
Do you prefer the tool tips for the high average and low information as a combined value versus separated.

Please answer and rate the graphs accordingly. (1-10)
How easy or hard is it to quickly digest the information displayed?
How easy or hard is it to clearly understand when a resource is down?
How easy is it to see the high point of this particular data set?
How easy is it to see to associate the OVERALL Chart low, Average, and High (the text on top) to the corresponding lines below?

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