RHQ plugin development enhancements

Lukas Krejci lkrejci at redhat.com
Tue Aug 28 18:03:14 UTC 2012

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Heiko W.Rupp" <hrupp at redhat.com>
> To: rhq-devel at lists.fedorahosted.org
> Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 5:52:02 PM
> Subject: Re: RHQ plugin development enhancements
> Am 28.08.2012 um 08:52 schrieb Lukas Krejci:
> > +100 to an Eclipse plugin.
> I would not do that separately but via a JBossForge plugin, as Forge
> can run
> inside Eclipse and also standalone. While many users use Eclipse,
> many also
> don't.

Forge is strictly commandline - even the Eclipse integration is strictly commandline.
It's just an Eclipse view with a Forge shell. I do not consider that an integrated solution, sorry ;)

While I agree with you that not everyone is using Eclipse, I can use the same argument for Forge 
- while many users use Forge, many don't. ;)

JBossTools is the recommended developer toolkit for developing on JBoss AS and is based on Eclipse. 
I do think we should follow, us being the management platform for JBoss AS 
(and that says a former IJ user that doesn't use it only because it crashes X for him).

A proper IDE integration is about usability and discoverability of features - after all it's an UI.
That is something a commandline tool can never provide on the same level (although the context
sensitive commandline completion in the forge shell is quite nice).

That is not to say we shouldn't have a Forge plugin, it's just that I don't believe that's enough.

> > +100 to a graphical integration with the standalone container - how
> > cool would
> > that be to have to leave your IDE and test your plugin
> > interactively. But I
> > must say that while the standalone container is quite powerful, I
> > find its CLI
> > quite terse and hard to remember (also having command history would
> > help
> type help - and command history is there. But I agree that it has
> room for
> improvement.
> > there ;) ) - if we were to integrate it to an IDE, the standalone
> > pc's CLI
> > should be given some love.
> I think both should not be IDE only, but usable without an IDE.
> Because with an IDE
> we are tied in into one kind of IDE. Users that prefer a different
> one (or just
> a text editor) would be left out otherwise.

I agree, but I do not believe we can develop one tool that is both integrated with an
IDE in a reasonable way and usable standalone.

Why would JBossTools and JBossForge exist as separate projects otherwise?
>  Heiko
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