RHQ plugin development enhancements

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at redhat.com
Tue Aug 28 15:52:02 UTC 2012

Am 28.08.2012 um 08:52 schrieb Lukas Krejci:

> +100 to an Eclipse plugin.

I would not do that separately but via a JBossForge plugin, as Forge can run
inside Eclipse and also standalone. While many users use Eclipse, many also

> +100 to a graphical integration with the standalone container - how cool would 
> that be to have to leave your IDE and test your plugin interactively. But I 
> must say that while the standalone container is quite powerful, I find its CLI 
> quite terse and hard to remember (also having command history would help  

type help - and command history is there. But I agree that it has room for

> there ;) ) - if we were to integrate it to an IDE, the standalone pc's CLI 
> should be given some love.

I think both should not be IDE only, but usable without an IDE. Because with an IDE
we are tied in into one kind of IDE. Users that prefer a different one (or just
a text editor) would be left out otherwise.


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