Proposed REST-API change -- PLEASE READ

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at
Fri Aug 10 12:56:03 UTC 2012


the current REST api lives below http://localhost:7080/rest/1

I would like to move that to http://localhost:7080/rest/
and then offer a common starting point at http://localhost:7080/rest/
for json, html, xml content types.

My original though about the /1 was 
a) to expose this as the 1st version of the api - meanwhile I think this is wrong and versioning should be done
via content negotiation
b) to separate out the static content from the resteasy content. 

I know that existing code relies on the /1 part, but changing that should be fairly trivial in most


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Handelsregister: Amtsgericht München HRB 153243
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