Code cache size

John Mazzitelli mazz at
Fri Aug 10 00:54:46 UTC 2012

this is a known issue - see BZ titled "RHQ Agent leaks java classes when issued command "plugins update"" This was noticed when doing work on another issue - see this comment:

----- Original Message -----
> tl;dr: don't panic
> Just wanted to share this interesting post about JVM memory
> In jconsole in the memory tab, there is a drop down about the
> individual regions, and there is
> one entry for the code cache as well:
> So the marked spots on the graph are when I invoked "plugins update"
> on the agent command line. In all cases, the plugins
> on the agent were up-to date. So this can't come from loading a new
> plugin that is much "fatter" than the older one.
> Looking at those figures, we indeed seem to have a tiny code cache
> leak in the agent.
> Most of the times no one will see it, as the max code cache size is
> (here) 48M, while the agent starts with 8MB and a plugins update
> (even if all plugins are already up to date) adds ~1.5MB. So users
> that run the agent in production will never do 20 plugin upadate
> cycles as production agents are not constantly updated.
> And developers usually don't have the agent running to long enough to
> ever run into it
> Interestingly the invocation of "Perform GC" had no influence here.
> What happened though is that a longer time after
> I took above graph, a gc collected some of the added memory in the
> code cache (but not back to the original 8MB)
> but the committed value did not go down. Overall it is mostly stable
> though (doing some plugin redeploys with
> changed code base right now):

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