[GSOC-2012] Implement a Forge plugin to create RHQ plugins - idea

Shameera Rathnayaka shameerainfo at gmail.com
Sun Apr 1 14:02:58 UTC 2012

Hi Baxter ,

It would be very helpful for me if you can point out some issues which will
help me to get an background knowledge needed for my project.


On Sun, Apr 1, 2012 at 7:29 PM, Shameera Rathnayaka
<shameerainfo at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Heiko,
> I went through the resources that you have provided and got a better
> understand of what are the requirements of this project. As well I played
> with existing rhq plugin generator . As I need to develop a plugin for
> forge i went through Forge documentation and identified how it works and
> the flow, #forge IRC channel helped me lot in this case. According to the
> forge documentation[3] I developed a new sample plugin to familiar with the
> process.
> As you mentioned the best way to be familiar with code base is, try to fix
> few bugs, So as a result i could able to provide patches for two issues[1]
> [2]of forge. Fixing the FORGE=275[2] issue, helped me to understand how to
> write a new plugin and deal with javaResources which is a main feature in
> this project.
> I am looking forward to submit a good proposal for this project. Apart
> from what you have said in previous replies is there any think which will
> help me to write a good proposal?
> [1] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/FORGE-85
> [2] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/FORGE-275
> [3] https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/FORGE/Developing+a+Plugin
> Thanks,
> Shameera.
> On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 6:40 PM, Heiko W.Rupp <hrupp at redhat.com> wrote:
>> Hey Shameera,
>> glad to hear back from you.
>> Am 26.03.2012 um 14:40 schrieb Shameera Rathnayaka:
>> > This explanation will help me to write a good proposal for this
>> project. I would like to summarize what i got form this, first I need to
>> write a forge plugin to generate RHQ plugin, The way it generate this RHQ
>> plugin is asking the questions in terminal the usual way that forge works.
>> And according to the use given input, it will generate require
>> classes(discovery and component) and plugin descriptor and pom.xml files
>> and also file hierarchy of the generated RHQ plugin project which we can
>> easily open in IDE and start to write RHQ plugin.
>> >
>> > Component class which related to this plugin should extend according to
>> the input given by user when it is being generated. The whole purpose of
>> this project is to provide the user friendly environment to generate RHQ
>> plugins with Forge.
>> >
>> > Are there any additional things that should be added to the proposal or
>> above requirements are best fit to the scope of the project?
>> - Documentation of course :)
>> - If the user has started generating a RHQ plugin and comes back, he
>> should be able to augment the plugin with e.g. new
>> metrics or other facets
>> --> And then when this above minimal goal is reached, it would be good to
>> have the possibility to go into an existing
>> class of e.g. an EJB or web application in Forge and to somehow tell it
>> that the variables x,y and z should be exposed for
>> monitoring. That would mean
>> - extend the application so that it exports the variables (e.g. via an
>> MBean or by writing to a log file)
>> - extend the generated RHQ plugin to
>>  - get additional <metric> tags for x,y and z
>>  - get some code (if needed) to read the values of x,y and z from the
>> MBean or the log file.
>> I think Lincol Baxter of Forge fame (in cc) can point you to places in
>> Forge where they e.g. pull in the fields of a
>> JPA / Hibernate bean and generate JSF code for those fields
>> And for the proposal you will also need to think about a timeline and
>> milestones.
>> GSoC defines a mid-term evaluation for which I think you should have some
>> running code ready.
>> Perhaps the generation as you described it and then the "user comes back"
>> and what I wrote after -->
>> would then be for the 2nd half.
>> How does that sound?
>>  Thanks
>>       Heiko
>> --
>> Reg. Adresse: Red Hat GmbH, Technopark II, Haus C,
>> Werner-von-Siemens-Ring 14, D-85630 Grasbrunn
>> Handelsregister: Amtsgericht München HRB 153243
>> Geschaeftsführer:  Mark Hegarty, Charlie Peters, Michael Cunningham,
>> Charles Cachera
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> --
> Shameera Rathnayaka
> Undergraduate
> Department of Computer Science and Engineering
> University of Moratuwa.
> Sri Lanka.
> Blog : http://shameerarathnayaka.blogspot.com/

Shameera Rathnayaka
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Moratuwa.
Sri Lanka.

Blog : http://shameerarathnayaka.blogspot.com/
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