[GSOC-2012] Implement a Forge plugin to create RHQ plugins - idea

Shameera Rathnayaka shameerainfo at gmail.com
Sun Apr 1 13:59:06 UTC 2012

Hi Heiko,

I went through the resources that you have provided and got a better
understand of what are the requirements of this project. As well I played
with existing rhq plugin generator . As I need to develop a plugin for
forge i went through Forge documentation and identified how it works and
the flow, #forge IRC channel helped me lot in this case. According to the
forge documentation[3] I developed a new sample plugin to familiar with the

As you mentioned the best way to be familiar with code base is, try to fix
few bugs, So as a result i could able to provide patches for two issues[1]
[2]of forge. Fixing the FORGE=275[2] issue, helped me to understand how to
write a new plugin and deal with javaResources which is a main feature in
this project.

I am looking forward to submit a good proposal for this project. Apart from
what you have said in previous replies is there any think which will help
me to write a good proposal?

[1] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/FORGE-85
[2] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/FORGE-275
[3] https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/FORGE/Developing+a+Plugin


On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 6:40 PM, Heiko W.Rupp <hrupp at redhat.com> wrote:

> Hey Shameera,
> glad to hear back from you.
> Am 26.03.2012 um 14:40 schrieb Shameera Rathnayaka:
> > This explanation will help me to write a good proposal for this project.
> I would like to summarize what i got form this, first I need to write a
> forge plugin to generate RHQ plugin, The way it generate this RHQ plugin is
> asking the questions in terminal the usual way that forge works. And
> according to the use given input, it will generate require
> classes(discovery and component) and plugin descriptor and pom.xml files
> and also file hierarchy of the generated RHQ plugin project which we can
> easily open in IDE and start to write RHQ plugin.
> >
> > Component class which related to this plugin should extend according to
> the input given by user when it is being generated. The whole purpose of
> this project is to provide the user friendly environment to generate RHQ
> plugins with Forge.
> >
> > Are there any additional things that should be added to the proposal or
> above requirements are best fit to the scope of the project?
> - Documentation of course :)
> - If the user has started generating a RHQ plugin and comes back, he
> should be able to augment the plugin with e.g. new
> metrics or other facets
> --> And then when this above minimal goal is reached, it would be good to
> have the possibility to go into an existing
> class of e.g. an EJB or web application in Forge and to somehow tell it
> that the variables x,y and z should be exposed for
> monitoring. That would mean
> - extend the application so that it exports the variables (e.g. via an
> MBean or by writing to a log file)
> - extend the generated RHQ plugin to
>  - get additional <metric> tags for x,y and z
>  - get some code (if needed) to read the values of x,y and z from the
> MBean or the log file.
> I think Lincol Baxter of Forge fame (in cc) can point you to places in
> Forge where they e.g. pull in the fields of a
> JPA / Hibernate bean and generate JSF code for those fields
> And for the proposal you will also need to think about a timeline and
> milestones.
> GSoC defines a mid-term evaluation for which I think you should have some
> running code ready.
> Perhaps the generation as you described it and then the "user comes back"
> and what I wrote after -->
> would then be for the 2nd half.
> How does that sound?
>  Thanks
>       Heiko
> --
> Reg. Adresse: Red Hat GmbH, Technopark II, Haus C,
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> Geschaeftsführer:  Mark Hegarty, Charlie Peters, Michael Cunningham,
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Shameera Rathnayaka
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Moratuwa.
Sri Lanka.

Blog : http://shameerarathnayaka.blogspot.com/
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