Schizofrenic package version creation

Lukas Krejci lkrejci at
Thu Mar 3 11:03:34 UTC 2011

For some strange reason, we have 2 methods for creating a new package version.

ContentManagerRemote.createPackageVersion() and 

The only important semantical difference between these two methods, I think, 
is this:

createPackageVersion doesn't update the bits or any other details of the 
package from the provided inputstream if the package version already exists, 
whereas getUploadPackageVersion updates them.

This is quite important difference, yet these two methods are used seemingly 
interchangeably throughout the code.

(the other difference is that getUploadedPackageVersion() needs to be provided 
with additional details like SHA, etc., whereas createPackageVersion() 
computes them.)

I'd suggest we check all the usages of these two methods with the above 
difference in mind.

For example ResourceFactoryManagerBean.createResource() chooses one or the 
other of the above methods based on fact if the caller provided a map with the 
additional details which I think is wrong.

I'm not sure I know all the consequences of changing the behavior of any of 
these methods, so I'm asking here.



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