GWT config editor question

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at
Thu Jun 9 13:50:22 UTC 2011


Am 09.06.2011 um 15:41 schrieb Jay Shaughnessy:

> Oh, something more like dynamic config defs.  That's kind of wild.  

Not wild, only logical :-)

> Would there be default values or would it always be dynamically 
> resolved?  One idea that comes to mind is to make the expression very 

My current idea is to either have the inner <:option/> elements or the <c:source>
But then there may be for sure use cases that can use both.

> naturally oriented towards criteria search.

My expression here is a first idea to show what I intend. Actually I think
it should either be in the form of DynaSearch or DynaGroups expressions,
as those are what people already know.
But that is a 2nd step :-)

> It may make sense to pass a "dynamic" config def back to the server for 
> realization, returning back a non-dynamic config-def and then pass that 
> into the config editor.

Well, actually I would "only" need to pass back the <c:simple-properties/>
that have such a <c:source> child

And org.rhq.enterprise.gui.coregui.client.components.configuration.ConfigurationEditor#buildSimpleField()
would be a very natural place to do this. But as we are Async here, I am not entirely sure how to
tackle it. As the async callback may only return when #buildSimpleField has already executed.


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